Thursday 10 June 2010

And This was going to be a Way Out West review...

This was going to be a rather balanced review of the Way Out West album which came out about six months ago, as I’ve just been listening to the new ‘Remixes’ version. This will, however, have to wait as I ‘m now more than a little irate.

My fiance was unfortunately made redundant not too long ago and given pay in lieu of notice. After two weeks she phoned up the Jobseekers Allowance people to talk to them about signing on once her notice in lieu period had expired. Having been through the endless pain of enduring this most ridiculous of processes myself several times about 10 years ago, I truly feel her pain. I digress; anyway, she was informed that she could claim from the day she was made redundant and her claim was submitted. Today the claim letter has come back advising her that she can have Jobseekers from when she phoned them, but the backdated two weeks has been rejected because she didn’t give them a good enough reason. SInce when is ‘You just told me’ not a good reason!

This follows on from other conversations where, after advising them that she has now found a job, but doesn’t start for a few weeks yet, she has been told that she needs to continue to provide evidence that she is continuing to look for a job! Apparently, having now found one also does not count.

I would really like to know what these people think a good reason is - There is no clear information about what to do in these situations at all for most people. Why do we have a benefits system that has become so convoluted and complex that the only people that can actually use it properly are the people who deign to live off it and abuse it?

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